5 Moments You Wouldn’t Believe If Not Filmed
5 Moments You Wouldn’t Believe If Not Filmed
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0:00 MonthlyFails presents "5 Moments You Wouldn’t Believe If Not Filmed"!
0:16 Plane Engine Catches Fire During Take Off (FAIL)
1:38 Plane Almost Crashes Into Deer At Landing (CLOSE CALL)
3:33 Passenger Went Flying Due To Heavy Seas (FAIL)
5:45 Huge Crane Falls Off Trailer (FAIL)
7:37 Ship Crashes Into Shore In Germany! (FAIL)
9:32 Like & Subscribe to MonthlyFails for more ‘Incredible Moments Caught On Camera’!
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Many thanks to everyone who has submitted videos to todays episode!
#MonthlyFails #Fails #UnbelievableMoments